
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Sleep Study Results

Well, Aryanna survived her first, but unfortunately not her last, sleep study.  She and I arrived at the sleep center at 7:30 and got checked in and settled in our room for the night.  After I fed her at 8:30 the nurse came in and hooked her up to this whole mess!
She was SUCH a trooper.  She hardly fussed at all while she was getting hooked up and really only freaked out once - rightfully so - when the nurse ripped her tender grip (the little stickers on her cheek that hold her cannula in place) off her cheek while trying to fix her cannula in the middle of the night.  The mama bear claws may have come out a little at that point.  They monitored her oxygen levels from the control room while she slept.  The nurse said she ended up being on a 1/4 liter of oxygen most of the night.  They wanted her saturation to stay above 95 and she would get up to 98 on oxygen, but when they would shut it off she would dip below 95.  So we'll continue to turn off her oxygen while she's awake and leave it on while she's asleep.  And we'll have to do another sleep study whenever the pulmonologist decides it's time to try again (we haven't talked to him yet to know this detail).  We take both babies back to the pulmonologist on December 19th so maybe Anthony will be ready for all this fun by then.

We left the sleep center by 6 am and this girl was wiped out when we got home!

Thanks for all the prayers - keep praying that Anthony and Aryanna's lungs would continue to develop and that they would continue to gain weight and grow healthy lung tissue.

1 comment:

  1. Just saw this update! Praying that next time they both can participate and get off of that oxygen!
