
Sunday, October 14, 2012

A & A's Bolivian Heritage

What better way to recognize Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 - October 15) than by celebrating Anthony and Aryanna's Bolivian heritage!  Papá Antonio and Mamá Costa (Grandpa & Grandma Guillén) as well as Tía (Aunt) Daniela, Tío (Uncle) Remberto and cousin Camila sent the twins some presents from Bolivia and mommy and daddy of course took lots of pictures.

Don't they look adorable in their hand-made sweaters, booties, and hats?

They also sent these beautiful "awayos."  Here's how some Bolivian women use them to carry their babies - kind of like a wrap.

They got other cute gifts that aren't pictured here, but in these pictures you can see the long pieces of cloth (chumpi) on the right that Bolivian babies are traditionally swaddled in.

Here's an example of how a baby is swaddled in this cloth: 

We look forward to continuing to teach Anthony and Aryanna about their Bolivian heritage.  We're trying to incorporate Spanish as often as we can so that when they start talking they can communicate with their Bolivian relatives.  We haven't been the best about this so far, but I am working on learning children's songs in Spanish and we hope to speak to them on a more consistent basis in Spanish once they start talking rather than just here and there like we've been doing.  

Here is a look at the natural beauty of Bolivia.  We can't wait until Anthony and Aryanna get to experience it themselves.