
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Prayers for Preemies, Please

We write to you tonight with a couple of prayer requests.

- Tomorrow night (Friday) Aryanna and I will be having a slumber party at the sleep clinic.  She's been off of oxygen while she's awake for the last few weeks and if everything goes well with the sleep study she'll be off oxygen all together!!!  That means we would get to see this cute face sans tender grips (the little stickers on her cheeks) and nasal cannula all the time!

Pray that we would both be able to sleep tomorrow night - the poor thing will be hooked up to lots of stuff from the sounds of it.  Also pray for God's healing in her lungs and that she would no longer need oxygen.

- Also, please pray for our friends, Joy and BJ who have the 30 weeker twin boys.  They're still in the NICU and Luke has had lots of fluid in his belly lately.  They discovered today that it's fluid leaking from his lymphatic system.  This is very rare and they don't have a lot of answers right now.  Pray for the supernatural power of Jesus to heal his little body and pray for peace, hope, and comfort for Joy and BJ.  Also pray for Logan that the pressure on his oxygen would come down so that he can start oral feedings.

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