
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Aryanna Wears Clothes for the First Time!

We got to put clothes on Aryanna for the first time tonight - so cute!  She doesn't have a PICC line anymore so that makes it a little easier for her to be in clothes.  They also like for their breathing to be to the point where they don't feel like they need to be able to see their chest.  She and Anthony are also starting to regulate their own body temperature.  They used to have a probe taped to their stomach and their isolette was programmed to keep them a certain temperature.  If they were too cool, the bed would heat up and vice versa.  Now their isolette is set to a certain temperature and they have to maintain their own body temp.  
Here are some pics of our little princess all dressed up!

And because I don't want to leave Anthony out, here are a couple of pictures of our handsome guy!  His feedings were increased again today to 18 ml and he went from 8 on the CPAP down to 7.  He's plowing right along!


  1. What a blessing to see them gain strength. It's amazing how God's love gets us through so much.


  2. Praise God for these blessings! May he give you strength and the knowledge that you are safe in His hands!
